Monday, April 6, 2009

Calling all NYC
Social Climbers book signing at J. McLaughlin Saturday May 9th 11:00-4:00
Free prizes, Champagne and more. Bring a chic friend!


  1. Welcome to Preppy Blog Land!!! Have fun!
    PS- I am in college and am an aspiring writer I will really enjoy following your blog!!!

  2. Oh how I wish I was going to be in NYC then! And ... many thanks for sharing your "Pink Lilly" with me. I referenced you on my post tomorrow ... I just cannot wait to give it a try!!! Xoxo-BLC

  3. I just came upon your blog (and book). I will definitely pick it up and hopefully meet you in NYC in May!

  4. I'm getting my copy today! now for your May event in NYC, is it the store on Mad or Lex?


Talk preppy to me! xoxo