Monday, October 26, 2009

Preppy Sorority Give away!

Hello my Preppy Friends!!!

I am so excited for this week. I cannot even begin to tell you. I will have my first guest blogger drum roll please...

Queen Bee Swain! She is the epitome of cute, preppy class. My novel will be included in the Shecky's Girls Night Out gift bag in Dallas this week. But first I'll announce the give away and I'll be back tomorrow with much more fun. More preppy guest bloggers, and give aways for everyone!

Calling all Sorority Girls!! Enter to win a copy of my novel, Social Climbers, for your entire sorority!

Yes, that's right enter to win my give away and I will send copies of my book to your entire sorority!! I loved being a girly girl and wish I was still in one. (Don't worry my guest bloggers will be hosting a give away for those of us not in a sorority).
So here are the rules:
Comment (1 entry)- let me know what sorority, school and how many members
Become a follower (2)
Become a fan on facebook (3)
And here is how you can really up your chances of winning:
Twitter (Bethdunn2)and Face book (Beth Willson Dunn) this give away---every time you do-you get another entry (up to 5 a day). I'll be keeping track with tweet deck but feel free to remind me in the comments section. So this is not a random drawing the sorority that participates the most will win. Good luck to everyone!!! And have a preppy awesome week....give away will end on Friday night November 6th.




  1. How exciting! I wish I was still in college - my sorority sisters would have loved it!

  2. I don't remember telling you that i ordered this for myself and my sister last week! So excited to finally read it for my self! Can't wait to read what Queen Bee will have to say here! Have a great week!!

  3. Hey Beth, I know it's posted somewhere but my Mommy brain is fried. How do you order your book?

  4. Once a Phi Mu always a Phi Mu, huh? I was a sorority girl in college but down here in the hills and hollers of the Ozarks they are pretty scarce.

    Have a FUN contest!!!

  5. This is so much fun. I wish I was still in college too. Taking my daughter next month on a college road trip and visiting my old sorority house with her.
    I know it will be a fun contest!

  6. Didn't belong to a sorority, but my entire college (Converse - all girls' school/women's college) could have been called one!

  7. oooh what great fun! amazing awaits!



  8. Fun contest. I don't have much time to read, but your book sounds like one I would find the time for!


  9. the Mrs ordered your book for herself and the rest of the young women in the family. chapter XIX the Eagles are doing fairly well its half time, and were up. Hope i didn't jinx us!!!

  10. This is cool! I want to be showered by your "preppyness". :)

  11. Great idea for a giveaway! I'm going to order your book, I'm really looking forward to reading it. For some I thought I had, but I will do so this week!

  12. How fun! I'm in Alpha Xi Delta, we have about 116 members I believe? I'm a follower too :)

  13. QBS is SO fab! Oh, and how I wish I were in college so I could win a copy of this book! I wish I was not wokring tomorrow evening and could go to Girl's Night Out, hopefully next year!

  14. Cute! I am alumni but still keep in touch with my chapter. They have 100 active members. I am a Sigma Kappa!

  15. Your book cover matches my sorority colors!

    Delta Zeta
    Drexel University
    92 members!!!!

    We would love copies of your book!

    -Sarah L.

  16. So fun! I wish I was still in school so I could enter for my sorority!

  17. never was in a sorority. ended up being a little sister to a fraternity. they probably don't do that anymore....i'm old! my roomie was in a sorority, though, so i still got to go to loads of parties :) had WAAAAAAY too much fun - oh, the stories....

  18. Please enter me and my Kappa Alpha Theta sisters at Baylor University we have 140 members

  19. Wish I was still in AGD girls woulda loved this {at least most of them!}

  20. Oh la la! Count me in!!! I was a KD at Clemson alongside 175 fabulous girls. Also, I am follower. Many thanks for hosting such a great giveaway. Xoxo-BLC


Talk preppy to me! xoxo