Saturday, November 14, 2009

Social Climbers, a novel By: Beth Dunn

For your reading enjoyment an excerpt of a chapter from SCs I wanted to share. To read more follow the links at the bottom of the post!

Chapter IX

As I walk up to the Union League bar I cannot help but notice a
beautiful portrait of a pale, familiar woman. No, it can’t be. I approach
the painting. Yes, it is none other than Kitty Kimmell, in profile. I
grab Colby’s arm and drag her to the portrait. “Look,” I say, as I stare
at the wall.
“Why is she looking to the side?” Colby looks dumbfounded.
“Who cares?” I say, grabbing champagne off of a butlered tray. As
we walk through the Union League admiring Nelson Shank’s private
collection I am so jealous that Kitty’s picture hangs on the same walls as
Princess Di and The Pope. Th is is so typical. Her in laws are probably
best friends with Nelson. And then there she is!
“Hi, Ladies,” Kitty smiles.
“Kitty! I just saw your drop-dead picture.” I try to keep a brave face.
“Oh, my god, I am so embarrassed.” Right. “I mean, I never would
commission a painter,” Kitty says, gloating. Commission? Who says that?

“Nelson begged me to pose for him, he said no make-up, no hair styling,
no jewelry. I was, like, what else do I have?” She is soooooo proud of
herself. Colby’s face is fuscia. Shit, she “commissioned” Nelson to do
the girls. Kitty’s such a UB.
Instead, “Did he pick out the dress?” I ask.
“Yes,” Kitty smiles as I realize she is wearing it—Loser. It’s a silk
Nina Ricci dress. Th e dress is sophisticated.
“Is that the one?” I say, pointing to her outfi t. I will not let her get
away with this.
“Yes,” her pale skin actually flushes.
I am actually getting sick to my stomach! “I love it,” I say, turning
to Colby. “Honey, let’s get a drink.” I drag her back to the bar once more
to get another look at the painting. “It was painted five years ago.” I
look at Colby in horror.
“I can’t believe she still has the dress,” Colby adds.

To read/learn more about Social Climbers:
To download a free chapter
watch the You Tube video
A look inside at Amazon
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I hope everyone has a delightful weekend!

Chin Chin




  1. love the blog as always darling
    thanks for sharing
    and thanks for the sweet comments

    check out my blog @

  2. I really do look forward to your entries. Thanks for another great one!

  3. I need to re-read Social Climbers. And, you need to be working on a new book!! Please! :)


  4. Oh the catty women I know. My BFF and I have been known to be this catty. :]

  5. I love catty women. I come from a family of catty women~ lol
    I just bought your book on Amazon... I can't wait to get it!

  6. Looks good! You're a great writer, Beth!

  7. Catty Women. Good writing, a serious accomplishment.

  8. oooooooh this was soo one of my fav' moments in the book of "nice girl revenge" muahahahahahaa!



  9. I soooooo need to buy your book lady! Sound awesome! Hope your having a fabulous weekend! xoxo

  10. I have your book on my Christmas list. Hey, Hubby are ya readin' this! Love the excerpt from the book. Ohhhh, I hope somebody stuffs my stockings!!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday...Enjoy!!!

  11. I checked this out on and I'm totally going to order it. It's not available in Germany yet.

  12. Thanks for sharing this except!

  13. I absolutely loved your book! It was a fun and easy read.

  14. Loved this my catty friends too! I think we had a club once upon a time!
    Have a great week!

  15. This looks great, and your blog looks fab. Thanks for becoming a follower!! Even though I'm hardly preppy.....

    Have a great week, and thanks again!

  16. I loved reading this part, and could totally picture the event in my mind!

  17. I really liked that, such vivid descriptions, I totally "saw" it happening.

  18. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your book looks like a good one - I will have to check it out!


  19. Oh fun! I am going to check it out as well - this is totally my kind of story! Thanks for coming by my little bloggie - I can't wait to read more!

  20. You've got me intrigued. Now, I must find your book to read. Sounds like it's full of some drama.

  21. Cute!! I checked out your youtube video and died laughing!! Hilarious!! I'm going to have to read your book!! : > Have a great week!!

  22. Oh my gosh! I am in love with this blog!! "Social Climbers". How positively fabulous!!

  23. Thanks for the blog love today!


Talk preppy to me! xoxo