Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy Thursday

I hope everyone is having a terrific Thursday. It is education week here in NJ, or something like that. Today I went to school with Wyn. He cried when I left, which always makes me SO sad.

Kindergarten is a really cute age. Tomorrow off to 5th grade. Do you also have education week in your states or is it just NJ?

Collars up



  1. November 16th is International Education Week just in case inquiring' minds wanna know.

    Yep, they don't get much cuter than kindergarten...they are so sweet at that age.

    Have fun visitin' the fifth girl. You are a good mama!!!

    Have a most marvelously blessed Thrusday sweetie!!! :o)

  2. Oh, that breaks my heart. On days when Stella doesnt't want to get dressed for school, I have half a mind to call in sick and crawl under the covers w/ her and watch TV. Your little Wyn is a cutie! If we have Education Week here in TX, I don't know about.

  3. Kindergarten tears are heart breakers.

  4. I went to see Lindsey at Kindergarten lunch today - she is always so proud when I show up, it makes me want to gobble her up!
    Cute Cute Cute!! Enjoy Education Week!
    (((hugs))) to you Sweet Beth!

  5. love kindergarden! Enjoy all these moments!!
    Love the picture!! Be sure to check out Gramercy Boutique! ; )

  6. I used to teach first grade, and can't even remember if we had one in NC.

    Love the pic. So sweet!

  7. Not that I'm aware of, but we don't have kids...Wyn is such a cutie pie.

  8. So sweet!

    P.S. Guess where I'll be next Saturday!?!? xoxo

  9. I haven't read anything about an "education week" for my son's school. I went in today to enjoy a Thanksgiving feast provided by the cafeteria. The food was actually good. And it was fun to see all the kids dressed as pilgrims and native americans. thanks for sharing and take care.

  10. Wyn is is so handsome!!! There will come a day when, he will say "I'm a big boy, I can go in on my own" ... as our friend's 5 year old announced the other day. After months of having mom hold her hand right into class each day...enjoy these sweet moments. xo HHL

  11. I am not aware of an education week were I am. Sounds great though!

  12. Such a cute pic. I don't have kids so I am not sure if they have "education week" here in NY, or on Long Island for that matter, and I don't remember any of my teacher friends talking about it.

  13. How lovely of you to sign onto my blog today... you really made my day. It's late as I am posting this and I will be back to check out your lovely blog!

    Thanks again!


  14. We don't here--how sweet that he liked having you visit!

  15. Must be NATIONAL Education Week as we were inundated with goodies from out PTO. Our parents are the best!

  16. So sweet!! Someday instead of making you will make your heart happy to think of this and the times he missed you!

  17. Aww, that is such an adorable picture! That's so sweet that he missed you.

  18. We don't have that here - but it sounds just lovely.

  19. We celebrated American Education Week this week- our PTO treated the teachers to lots of yummies on Friday- I've been busy baking and organizing for all of it. Earlier in the week the hubby went to read to the kiddos' classes for the Readers are Leaders event. On Friday the kids dressed as their favorite book characters for a parade.---I wish learning was this fun when I was in school.


Talk preppy to me! xoxo