Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Day in the Life of....Me!

Being Beth Dunn

A few months ago I answered a tag that asked what is my hobby. I answered being me. I also like the quote from last weeks blog "I know I live in my own world, but it's ok they know me here." Yesterday cutie pie Hopsy from Monograms and Manicures did a post about a day in her life-I'm copying (remember, highest form of flattery).

6:30 wake, pray, out of bed to brush teeth et al. I love being the first up and knowing my family is warm and sleeping. I usually take this time to watch the news, go over my To Do, listen to "my" music and browse catalogs or a new mag.

7:30 feed the babies.

8:35 bus stop. Gossip with nice neighbors.

9:00 Nanny arrives. Wyn only goes to school on T/W/Th. Off for exercising but not before checking all of your sweet comments on FB/Twitter and blog.

10:00 Shower, Monday's I wash and blow out my hair-major pain in the butt and takes forever. So, I never make any appointments on Mondays.

Maybe run an errand but yesterday was raining and would be detrimental to said blowout so I did not step outside. I also write (duh) and work on SC the movie, events, charities etc.

4:00 Nanny goes home, I chill wine and sit on my massage chair as I watch Oprah. I pour milk for Greye's snack as he'll be home in 15 minutes. I also over see homework, trumpet practice and reading.

6:00 I serve dinner and eat with kiddies as husband goes to  spin.

7:00 Wyn takes a bath and then we snuggle and watch Diego

8:00 sing songs to Wyn before bedtime.

8:10 I return calls to Mommie, Daddy, Step mother, a cousin or Hermes. Set out dishes etc for next mornings breakfast.

9:00 In bed to read or watch TV (I watched the Blind Side 6 days in a row last week)




  1. Chilled wine, oh yes, how I'll definitely be doing that tonight, thanks for the reminder...

    Haven't seen The Blind Side yet, must get that on my To Do List, as it must be good. :)

  2. You MUST see the Blind Side. It is adorable. xoxo

  3. Since you have a little dude too - can you watch Blind Side with him in the same room?

  4. Our convo yesterday cracked me up as you bolted to chill the wine :O) LOL!

  5. OMG SP! You are so right.I apologize if that was rude. I live my life in 30 minute increments. Self preservation, for my ADD. xoxo

  6. I love this! I may just copy this idea as well! Have a great day!xoxo

  7. Life is good for this Beth Dunn and what is that in the background on the deck, clock, thermometer, barometer, wind anemometer? Close up please?

  8. Sounds like a fabulous life!

  9. the massage chair while enjoying oprah sounds lovely! :)

  10. You get up EARLY compared to me! It sounds like we have similar hair, I am glad to know I am NOT alone!!!

  11. i love reading posts such as this. nice to know a little about you hobby :)

  12. Sounds wonderful!!! Hope things are still looking good for SC the movie!!

  13. Beth - I have that hair too! Isn't it fun?!



  14. I remember the Nanny days. My day is still not planned out though! It wasn't that planned with the nannies either!

  15. Oooh... it is soooo nice to know someone else has pain in the derrière hair... I feel your pain! I usually wash mine at night... blow dry it pulling and straightening and then I throw in hot rollers for 20 minutes... then I go to bed... the next morning it's pretty tame!

  16. Chilled wine and the massage chair! That sounds wonderful! (:


  17. That sounds like such a nice day Beth! I wish my day were like that... cheers to you!

  18. I think "A Day In The Life of YOU" sounds absolutely lovely :)

  19. I just love reading about everyone's daily routine. I did this a couple of weeks ago, with Kelly's Korner.

    Your day sounds a lot like mine, except for when you're at exercising, I'm at work! HA! I'd rather be exercising! :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  20. I Would die for having a nannie at home ! with my full time job and my 2 daughters , i will be a "luxe" for me ! Your a lucky woman!

  21. Golly gee...am I missin' out on something here. I'm gonna have to check out this Blind Side. Like mine, your days are full, just very different activities. I didn't see any wild~eyed cattle or big blue tractors in you day! Heeeheehe!

    Have a terrifically blessed day, my friend!

  22. I think a day in the life sounds pretty fab!



  23. You and Hopsy have started a trend in blog posting!!! Love it...

  24. Adorable! I am well past the Nanny days, but a massage chair & Oprah is timeless. Nice to "see" you.

  25. I can't believe you wake up at 6:30 :O what a trooper you are!

  26. You're the first one up at 6:30? Wow. I wake up at 6:15.

  27. You've got long layers, right? I'm using this product called HerCut that you can get at Sephora. I found it via Kyan Douglas (formerly of Queer Eye). They have a special catalyst formula just for long layers that is FABULOUS. You're welcome!

  28. I am laughing so hard! Your hair...


Talk preppy to me! xoxo