Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy WASP Wednesday!

I hope this blog finds everyone having a lovely day.  SC finally went to a real doctor, no I did not go to the spa. I really met with a therapist and she seems amazing. Since I don't want to take pharm meds for my ADD and anxiety she told me to take a lot of supplements: vitamin B, fish oils, calcium, D3, magnesium, potassium, COQ10. OMG My ADD is out of control-some I take in the morning, some at night, some with food, some without. I also got a beta blocker for public appearances (major anxiety sets in when I have to public speak). She wants to treat me for anxiety with an anti depressant, I want to treat ADD. We agree to disagree until next appointment. Wish me luck, but I'm still wearing skirts!

Tory Burch sweater, Skirtin around skirt, Ferragamo shoes

Collars Up!



  1. You look adorable, too. I suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for years. Once I found exercise, everything got better. Having an "outlet" took my mind off all the negative thoughts in my head. I hope you get it all figured out. It's hard when the mind plays tricks on the body.

    Thinking about you! :)

  2. I hope that things begin to be on the upswing for you.
    Other than potassium and COQ10 I take the other supplements daily. I swear by magnesium.
    All the best for you.

  3. Thank you! Cool Gal- I exercise but it only relives is while I'm exercising-sigh.
    SP-I can't find your blog? your kind words mean the world to me!

  4. I absolutely love your outfit, especially the shoes! I have anxiety attacks as well, not fun at all. Try taking yoga, learning to breathe correctly truly helps me. Have a great day! xoxo

  5. Vitamin B is supposed to be wonderful for stress. There are also some great remedies that I used from time to time ~ Bach Flowers ~ that are amazing. There's one in particular called Rescue Remedy that is for very stressful and traumatic situations. I used to slip my daughters a few drops of Rescue Remedy if they would start to have a meltdown and it works within SECONDS. Amazing stuff.

    Have a fantastic day. xoxo

  6. First of all, you look amazing! I'm glad you enjoyed your session...its worth giving it a whirl for a couple of months. If it doesn't work for you...go back to the spa. :)

  7. Good luck - hope everything works out. Love the color of your skirt!

  8. As always you look adorable! I this new Dr. can help with everything! Happy Wasp Wednesday!

  9. Darling..Do not fear the Zoloft for anxiety...few if any side effects...and you can still enjoy cocktails with no adverse effects....and it WORKS.

  10. You crack me up. You are the Ambassador To All Things Prep

  11. I know what you are talking about all too well... and I understand your concerns. Have you heard of or tried SAM-e? It is a natural supplement. Don't forget to breath!

  12. I was treated with anxiety once and if you can treat it the natural way then I think you should work really hard to do it like that. you know I love ya, girl!

  13. Great skirt, just go ahead and get the P vitamin, if only for a little while it will help.

  14. She is the Doctor and you are the writer, maybe give her plan a try? She may know best!

  15. Oh I should have mentioned: Husband is a physician and he feels my ADD should be treated. My doctor knows my husband and respects him but thinks he's wrong. To occupy my anxiety next week I'm hosting a shoe contest, skirts aren't cutting it. I'll have details on tomorrow's blog. I hope you all join me. Thank you for all of your kind words and advice. I really love you all!xoxo

  16. ugh... ADD and depression are very closely related. Though I would venture to guess you are not depressed -- if you are you are doing a fab job of hiding it. You can always find another Dr. I was put on antidepressants when I didn't need them and it was HORRIFIC. I was dx'd with ADD about 20 years ago and have never taken meds. I have started to reconsider since my 9 yo has ADD, takes meds and does fabulously with them.

    Gosh Beth... good luck!
    Oh... and totally love your outfit!
    Oh... and when the hell ya comin' up to CT?!!!


  17. Glad you're getting some help with the ADD. Hopefully next appointment you'll be able to figure it all out with her. Thank goodness for meds, right? What would I do without them, to get me through this allergy season?! Love your cute yellow skirt, by the way. Way to go on continuing to wear skirts. Love it!

    Okay, so I'm so bad. I know, I know, I just ordered a pair of SB's, but now I'm wondering if I should get the monogrammed kind too, like you suggested. Ugh! I should just be happy with one pair, but that's the problem with being an addict. Haha! Okay, definitely cannot afford to get another pair, but can't pass up $20 off. I'll ponder this until the last day of the sale, and then decide.

    Oh, and I've got a great "shout out" to you on Friday's post. Hope you enjoy it. :)

  18. I hear ya on the anxiety. It's great to try different things to alleviate it (and YES, i think going to the spa, shopping, etc count!) because once you find what works for you, it's a huge gigantic weight lifted! I'm a normally anxious person, but it was really bad for awhile because of a birth control I was on - I switched and could not be happier that I did!! Good look finding what works for you!! :)

    P.S. LOVE your outfit! :)

  19. Husband is a physician but he does eyes, right? You wouldn't want him to deliver your baby even though technically he could. You wouldn't want him to set your son's broken arm even though technically he could. If your specialist figures it is worth a try to treat you with meds you ARE in the perfect situation - your husband could help monitor you for undesired side effects.

    2 cents and I LOVE Ferragamo shoes.

  20. I'm all for goin' the natural way. I pray it works for ya Beth. You are quite the cutie in your skirts. No skirts 'round the Ponderosa today. I've been in the workin' corrals all day with Hubby (he took a day off from work...heeehehe) vaccinating, castrating and dehornin' 500-650 pound calf. I think we got 57 head worked. We'll do the rest another day.

    God bless ya and have a wonderful Wednesday sweeite.

  21. Hey A. Thx for your kind comment. Most of my A comments are SO RUDE! While husband is an eye guy he also lives with me. My therapist even used this analogy-every turtle lives with a hail storm. You have to stop hailing or he won't poke his head out of his shell. I'm taking it all in-in skirts! Again, ALL of you mean SO much to me. Thank you! I'll get through, I'm pretty tough-wish my sister had been. xoxo

  22. I’m thinking of you and hoping that the supplements work rather than having to take a prescription medication. Public speaking terrifies me, so I can relate. It’s kind of funny when you think about it since we both have outgoing personalities. Something about standing up there in front of everyone makes me want to run and hide.

    You look lovely in that outfit…xoxo

  23. You're getting to the end of the skirts! I love your Tory Burch sweater. Hope the supplements help.

  24. Hopefully the supplements will work but if they don't please consider trying medication. You might have a chemical imbalance (not enough serotonin) and there really is no reason to suffer these days. We think nothing of diabetics using insulin to make themselves okay but there still is a stigma attached to things that alter the way the mind works. Zoloft, as was suggested above by Main Line Sportsman, is used for anxiety and ADHD.

    Anyway, you're too adorable to feel any apprehension in public. Just saying. And isn't it lovely to be surprised by a nice anonymous comment?

  25. Yes! You are most fav A commenter ever! You are welcome at my blog ANY time, and please come back and feel free to comment any time. Flattery will get you EVERYWHERE with me. But your insights are well received as well. I'm considering meds-I'm just not jumping into it just yet. xoxo

  26. my ADD is near debilitating, but I've learned lots of coping strategies over the years- some good, some not so good. don't totally rule out Rxs- they've really helped me. I'm glad you're going about it the right way!

  27. You are inspiring! It's so difficult to talk about having problems with anxiety, ADD, ADHD, depression, etc. and for you to discuss in this format, I commend you, BD. I suffered from a big huge bout of depression while living up north - wasn't my personality to do so either. I believe the Lexapro saved me - my marriage and my job too! :-) Hope the natural route works for you - those meds are very difficult to get off later. Pill free around here too! Take care of yourself and LOVE the outfit! XOXO

  28. I'd be more concerned about the ADD too, is it because we figure that with more focus, the rest will come?

  29. You are darling as always, sounds like you have some great comments for medication recommendations! (Sorry I can't help there...)

    BTW, I have a post going up in about 5 minutes and you have to tell me what you think about the'll see, I hope it makes you smile today!

    Hugs to you! xox

  30. Well, first of all, I am sorry that you are going through all of this. I hope this new plan will bring you some relief. Second, your outfit is darling.

  31. IF, and that is an IF, you do end up on medication, it is not the end of the world. Try out what you need to first, but know that meds might be the answer... and it IS OK!!!



Talk preppy to me! xoxo