Friday, October 30, 2009

Preppy wrap up!

I have had quite a week!

My sorority giveaway (which is still under way) click here
2 lovely preppy guest bloggers (that caused controversy)---I got my first mean comment
And my girl over at Entertaining House dedicated her preppy Halloween post to me (because she knew how hurt my feelings were over the hater)
Was included in 2 society columns, which is funny because I feel like I never go out anymore

So I literally was told I was tacky and an elitist in one week. So if all goes well this weekend I may be called:
Bad Mother
Bad daughter
Bad friend
Horrible wife

I'll keep you all posted on any other name calling. What do you think it will be? I just write to have fun. I love the preppy life. I was elated to find the preppy blog world! I'll never forget the first time I read TOPH. I studied it! I was fascinated. I'd never been a part of anything before in my life and I finally felt like I fit in and could put a label on it. And I was so proud! I wanted to collect every item I did not already own. That's all, I'm not trying to make people feel badly. I'm trying to do the exact opposite. I want to celebrate life with like minded friends.

On a lighter note this is a picture from our regatta in Annapolis. Call me whatever you want but between The Preppy Pink Crab (lots of great Lilly Pulitzer), The Annapolis Yacht Club and our Town Car, thanks to our hotel we had a preppy fab weekend! My hair was the only issue as it was quite frizzy.

Have a happy, blessed, safe and FUN Halloween!

Chin Chin!




  1. Sorry about the hater - but I can SISTER unfriended me on FB and won't even talk to me anymore because she thinks my blog is elitist...of course there is more to the story...but SERIOUSLY!!!!!!

  2. Personally I think you showed a great deal of restraint and class in regards to your hater. It would seem in the manners department they have forgotten the most basic rule. If you don't have any thing nice to say, don't say any thing at all. Your blog is terrific and if people want to continue to speak negatively just send them down to South Philly I'm sure someone there could teach them some manners.

  3. I am sorry for the mean words. My philosophy is if you don't like what you read in the blog world stop reading it. No need to spread hate.

    Enjoy your weekend. I love the Pink Crab!!

  4. The blog hating is an epidemic. I JUST wrote about this on my blog this week!! So frustrating, but keep your head up and don't let them bring you down! xoxox - BB

  5. I love your Annapolis photo! It makes me so happy to see you enjoying the best city I know! With the Naval Academy seawall right behind you, my mom has taken many a Christmas card photo there! xoxo

  6. Aww, sorry you received a mean comment. I have yet to receive one, but when I read about other bloggers getting mean comments, it just does not make sense to me! If I stumble upon a blog I do not like or disagree with, I just close out of the site…but I can’t really recall stumbling on a blog I hated. Why can’t people just push the “X” in the upper right corner and keep their mean comments to themselves!? So Rude.

  7. Love your blog! Keep the preppiness coming..:)


  8. You did exactly what you're supposed to do when someone hates on you for who you are: Don't feed the trolls! I for one think you are fantabulous!

  9. I'm sorry you got a mean comment! Make your haters your motovaters!

    We all love you do pooh on anyone who doesnt think they are good enough!

  10. Sorry about the hater!
    I love reading your blog!
    Keep Climbing!


  11. I got a hate message on my Animal Blog...I was told I had to many pets! What!! I'm blogging for fun, like you! Crazy stuff!!OH YEAH, I have been called a Bad Mother and a bad wife...(this list goes on and on) so don't feel bad and don't listen to them!

  12. Don't worry about the haters. You responded with class that the haters will never know-no one with real class would ever do such a thing as to comment like that. Your blog is one of my favorites and I always enjoy reading what you have to say. Keep up the wonderful work! :o)

  13. I'm sorry about that mean comment. Your blog always makes me smile and I love it! Keep your chin up and ignore the nasty people.

  14. People are idiots. You keep on keepin' on. And for the record, I grew up with Annapolis in my back yard, and I love nothing more than a quick spin out of the yacht basin. Then maybe dinner at Harry Browne's. That is enough to make you completely forget what any mo-rons are calling you, because at least then, you can call yourself happy :)

  15. Screw mean comments! People who write them probably have no life and just sit in front of the computer being mean because they have nothing else to do!

    Don't you just love Annapolis! I want to move there one day...

  16. I really don't understand why people can't ahere to the old adage "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.

    Cheers to The Pink Crab!! I've done plenty of damage there during past trips to MD!!

  17. Amen to Black Labs. Your always gonna find someone who wants to find fault with something. I've gotten flack because on the farm we just have to do certain things that are best for us and our animals. Some people have considered those acts as cruel or inhumane but it's just life. I'm so new to the blog world but I've learned not to take those comments personally. Chin up-stand up and be your preppy self because that's who we all love.

    Have a great spook weekend, God bless!!!

  18. Sorry about the nasty comment! You know you have made it when you have haters!

  19. There always seems to be a spoilsport who likes raining on others' parades. It just boils down to being a mean person, which you, my dear, are not. Nor am I, which is why people like this are able to get to us. We care about making others happy, not making them feel badly.

    Having good manners is the #1 rule which your hater apparently forgot. That is what makes us genteel, not the fact that our ancestors were or were not on one of the original boats at Plymouth...

    JMHO ;-)

  20. ok you made me LMAO... my 10 year old calls me all of those in about 10 minutes!!!

    am working on a post because this is all pissing me off...

    keep blogging, keep having fun and keep making me SMILE!!!


  21. Good griefus, mean comments? I agree with the other preppy lovers here, your blog is fun, and if someone doesn't like it, well, go somewhere else. You look beautiful in the photo! Happy Halloween!!


    PS. Do you have a Fan Page on FB? Send me the link to it. I would love to be your fan.

  22. Lilly Pulitzer is like music to my Southern-loving ears... I'm hooked!

    I'm sorry you got a hurtful comment. I got one on my blog once, and it might have been more insulting than getting one in person because the web can be so damn anonymous.

    On the bright side, though, being called an elitist is not a bad thing-- it just means you have high standards!

  23. Don't let the meanies get you down. I'm going to to buy your book to cheer you up! Have a great weekend!

  24. Didn't we just talk about mean comments the other day and what would happen if we got them? We must have jinxed the gods, or something.

    I, for one, am not a preppy (as I'm sure you can tell from reading me!) but I like to read your blog anyway, just to see what it's all about. You're always positive and funny, and just downright sweet. And I know if I didn't "get it" or "understand" I can always ask you- and you'd never treat me like an idiot! I find you delightful! So, poop on the meanie!

  25. I'm sorry you have been called names. That is really sad and makes me angry. You're just being who you are and that is FABULOUS. I love you and your blog. Just ignore the haters!

  26. Hi Beth:
    I'm sorry about this week! I bet you never ask me to guest blog again (LOL! no really...), I just assumed that people would "get it" especially considering all your recent posts about TPHB! Oh well, I had fun, and there are plenty more people who get it and get you and realize that it's all in GREAT fun! You are so funny, so genuine and just a beautiful person, inside and out! Have a fantastic weekend! xoxo Jennifer

  27. Seriously I dont even know Beth and she seems to be one of the nicest and kindest people in the blogging world so, Beth I'm sorry that someone felt the need to be rude to you on your blog. I am going to exercise great restraint and not pop off on this woman but all I'm gonna say is I'm not surprised- she does not seem too "preppy" to me. ohh look I am getting out of hand already. Just ignore her and look at all the great people who love your blog. Keep up the good work and let your haters be your motivators.

  28. I love your blog... too bad the lady who's ancestors arrived on the Mayflower didn't understand the fun you and everyone else are having with their blogs.

    My only concern is that she and I might be related! I (a cradle Episcopalian/COE) am descended from four of the illustrious Separatists. I will be blogging on that myself in the next few days. I teach US History to fourth graders, and we are learning all about the Mayflower and my 12 great-grandfather, John Howland, who fell overboard and almost drowned. Keep checking back to see how he was rescued and what happened next!

    Thanks Beth!!!

  29. love you like a sister and the old saying holds true- if you can't say anything nice at all, don't say anything!

    amazing awaits for you, I just know it!



  30. Love the pic! I'm so sorry to hear about your mean comments. I still do not understand why people feel the need to post mean things. Have a happy Halloween!

  31. People can be so hateful. They are just jealous; think how horrid their lives must be! Hope you have a great Halloween and I'm going to check out your contest!

  32. Have a fun weekend and try to forget that one comment. (hugs)

  33. You are fabulous and I cannot believe anyone would be so low as to attack you on your personal site. Keep doing what you are doing with this blog because everyone loves it and we love hearing your ideas, thoughts, great finds, etc! Have a great weekend love XOXO

  34. Why do people have to be haters...if you do like it go is a big blogworld. There is something for everyone. Relish in the preppiness!

    Happy Weekend!

    Holly @ 504 Main

  35. Hi there, so sorry you got a hater.

    What I love about the blogworld is that it connects like minded people. It's a fabulous way to make friends with some great gals or guys all around the world. I love it.

    If you don't like a blog, you don't have to read it. Find blogs you enjoy.

    Happy Halloween honey,

  36. Just came by to catch up. Sorry for the mean comment. I got a couple a while back that made me delete a lot of my posts, which I really regret. You handeled it much better than I did by responding.
    Love your blog, love your book, love most of your readers and commenters, not the mean ones of course.

  37. Happy Halloween. I try to remind myself that haters have a right to their opinions. And then I remind myself that I have the right to ignore said opinions. Looking forward to seeing which name wins out this weekend.

  38. When people are unhappy with themselves, they take it out on others. Brush it off, and continue to be your fun self!

    LOVE the Pink Crab in Annapolis. In fact, I love, love, love Annapolis. My husband graduated from the Naval Academy and whenever we go down for reunions or to meet up for a gathering of old friends I always stop by and pick up a few things (or many) for myself.

    Have a Happy Halloween!

  39. Chin up, Beth! Just know that the majority of us love your blog and if we haven't received a comment from a meanie, well, our turn will follow, I'm sure. We're fortunate to be a very supportive group of bloggers celebrating what we have in common. Looking forward to future blogs. Hope you and the kiddos had a great Halloween!

  40. I am really sorry about this. It's awful. If someone doesn't like what you write he shouldn't read your blog, not spread hate. Continue blogging and tell them to get a life!!

  41. Booo to bad noters or preppy haters!

  42. I love the photo! Ignore the mean people! I recently got my first mean comment (in an email) and I knew it would happen eventually, but I was still taken aback. All of my sweet twitter/bloggy friends just told me to ignore it (which I did).

  43. So sorry to hear about a nasty commenting! If they don't like, they don't need to read! I love your blog, your writing, and fun stories!! Chin up missy, you are fantastic!!

  44. It's sad when people have to leave nasty comments. It takes the fun out of blogging.
    It's also unfortunate that someone felt as though they needed to say something negative because you like the finer things in life. I've had many people call me uppity and snobby and it really bothers me because they don't know me and they're passing judgement on me. Don't let the Hater bother you.

  45. So sorry for the hater! Ugh...THAT is tacky!

  46. Haters are jealous souls who have nothing better to do than write, or say, mean things to undeserving people. Class and tact are slowly, in my opinion, becoming extinct. What happened to instilling sound morals, ethics, and manners in your children go? Oh well. Keep doing what you're doing :) I enjoy your blog, your outlook, and your affinity for class.



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Talk preppy to me! xoxo