Thursday, October 29, 2009

Preppy Guest blog Day 3

Sorority girls! enter for a chance to win my novel, Social Climbers, for your entire sorority! Up your chances by twittering, facebooking and joining my fan page!

I just love preppy Queen Bee Swain (! So I had to ask her a few more questions:

Do people refer to you as preppy? Were they making fun of you and you were like, wait this is a compliment?

"I was voted Preppiest Girl from my graduating high school class. The day the pictures were taken I was wearing a white button down and a grapefruit-pink argyle vest. Clearly I won it for a reason as it was announced the day of that the pictures were going to be taken- I wasn’t even able to plot my outfit!"

Did you ever NOT embrace the preppy lifestyle for fear that it is elitist or anything for that matter?

"I’ve always been a big believer in wholly embracing and being who you are and cannot imagine going against my grain to please others. I am who I am and you can love it or leave it. Let’s focus on our positives and being the best people that we can be. The best me just happens to be one that shines the brightest when in Lilly, at a CC or regatta or philanthropic event, swooning over some guy nicknamed Wog who played lacrosse for Trinity (or something along those lines), so that is what I roll with. It’s a lot easier to be yourself than someone you’re not!"

Top things you love about the preppy life:

"Above all else, I’d say athleticism is something I love about the Preppy Life. To quote TOPH, “Mens sana in corpora sano”- “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” Clearly, we go to school for a reason, but the best lessons I ever learned weren’t from the lecture hall; I believe that the discipline, tenacity and work ethic that is instilled from long hours on the playing field trumps almost everything I learned in a classroom. Sports gives us an outlet to practice and further hone our abilities at being our most excellent selves. It teaches us how to be a champion and Preppiness is all about living and breathing a winning lifestyle; everything about Preppiness has root in having and being the best. Plus, is there anything more swoon-worthy than an Alpha guy that plays golf/polo/tennis/rugby/rows/skis/sails?"

Isn't she the cutest!!! I hope everyone is enjoying a preppy day!




  1. Love her too!
    My name is pretty preppy as we discussed, but my little brother's name in Keegan and a couple of years ago he was named to this...He was so embarrassed!

  2. After reading these fun facts I am even more convinced QB and I are kindred spirits!! I was voted "preppiest" graduating year of HS and my current BF played tennis for Trinity!!

    Long Live the Preps!!

  3. I love more QBS! Her answers really do reflect who she is and how she lives. I love reading her 2nd post! Just adorable.

  4. I love QBS and her blog. She is just adorable and genuine. That picture is so cute!

  5. What great answers!! And now I must go bake a cake and frost it pink...


  6. BTW - I went to an all girls boarding school and played Tennis and Field Hockey and had all the great fair-isles sweaters I could get my hands on - I KNOW preppy!!

  7. What an excellent interview. Now I must go bake some sugar cookies and Preppy Hubby will not touch them unless they are slathered in pink icing!

    Have a terrific day!!!

  8. Great interview. Cute skirt in the picture too.

  9. Love this guest post! I've never been to her blog- going to check it now! Have a great night XOXO

  10. That is a great guest post...Fun read! I will have to check out QBS.
    Holly @ 504 Main

  11. She is so much fun. Great post! So completely true about life's lessons learned while playing sports. Especially today, having our children in sports is the very best avenue for their future.


Talk preppy to me! xoxo