Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, Lilly!

Hello and happy preppy Thursday!

I heart preppy blog land. I met SO many amazing ladies last night at our Lilly Pulitzer kick off dinner. We ate, (well I didn't eat a thing as I was too busy talking-typical SC), at the island inspired Bahama Breeze-perfect place to sport our pink and green.

Thank you to the Preps who organized it!

This is me with Preppy50 and loving lilly and Preppycoastee

Me and Monograms & Manicures in matching Lilly Pulitzer pants!

I promise to share more pictures once I'm done with this whirlwind shopping spree I've been on.

All I can say is, I'm so happy I found the preppy blog land. You ladies made my night! And for those of you I did not get more time to talk to, save me a seat right next to you at our next get together!




  1. I am so jealous! I so want to be there!!!!
    Have lots of fun, can't wait to see more!

  2. I love your Lilly pants! Looks like I need to prep myself up so I'll get an invite next time!

  3. Sounds like so much fun! Enjoy the sale, I SO wish I could go!

  4. I'm not really much of a lilly fan or a prep, but y'all are adorbs!!! Glad you had fun!!!

  5. Glad you had a fabulous time! Can't wait to hear about the wonderful Lilly you find at the sale.

  6. How fun for you! I too love preppy blog land and am so thankful for the amazing people i have met here. LOVE those pants too!

  7. Looks like ya'll are havin' a grand old time in your Lilly pants. Pleeeeze tell me that~that was planned and just didn't happen. Love 'em but I'm thinkin' if I walked into the cow pasture with them the cows would all psycho on me.

    Have a fantastic day and am looking forward to more pics!!!

  8. Next time I will drive to King of Prussa just for the fun. That's where it was right?

  9. Looks like such fun! Did you luck out at the sale?

  10. Drinks at Bahama Breeze, Now that is a good time!

  11. Great pictures looks like everyone had fun!

  12. Last night was so much fun and you are just as sweet and fun in person as you are on this blog. xoxo

  13. You all look so cute!!! I love the picture of the matching pants!

  14. It looks like you all are having a wonderful time!

  15. I just bought those same pants!! they look great on you ladies and looks like you had tons of fun!! I'm planning to go to the sale in June, so I hope there's another blogger get together then!!

  16. So much fun! What a fun get together, wish I could be there! Happy shopping!!

  17. I'm so happy we got to meet in "real life". What a fun night! We'll have to plan to get together after the holidays. Thanks for the book. I can't wait to read it!! xo, T

  18. Have fun! Next year, this South Carolina girl is making the trip to Lillyland in Prussia!

  19. It was so nice to meet you!!! I cannot wait for the spring sale.

  20. Hi Beth! I had to delete my blog due to a "stalker like person" but I am back with a little less info out there and have blocked that person! (Formerly of Bentlye Brooks)

  21. Great to meet you last night! I hope we can do it again. Thanks so much for the book....I plan to sit down with my book and Hopsy's cake balls tonight!

  22. hahahaha. i love your matching lily pulitzer pants. :D

  23. It just doesn't get any Better than Three Matching Lilly Pants!!!!
    I Can So Not Wear Any Pattern below the waist, I don't care how much kickboxing or hiking I do.
    You, however, look divine. I am in awe of your hair, especially since the NJ humidity is challenging.

  24. Awww so happy you had an amazing time! It looks like a lot of fun. :) Omg and those freaking CUTE! Love it!!

  25. How wonderful! You look like you all had so much fun, and you look just darling in your matching pants!!!

  26. You all are BEAUTIFUL! So glad you had such a great time! Can't wait to attend the next warehouse meetup girly event - this year work and family business took me away. Can't wait to hear your shopping finds!! XXOOXO

  27. Dinner at Bahama Breeze for Lilly week sounded so fitting! I'm glad you had a great time and that scored yourself some fabulous loot.

    Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving!

  28. That looks like so much fun! I love Lilly clothes, I dressed my daughter in all Lilly when she was younger!!

  29. so fun! would love you to come to southwest va. to meet some of us fellow bloggers here- sippycups and happy housewife!

  30. Love the pics and your book!!! You looked fantastic!

  31. You all look so cute in your matching pants!


Talk preppy to me! xoxo