Monday, June 13, 2011

Monogram Monday

Hello Lovies! Hope you had a great weekend. I've been snacking on my humble pie.

Remember how I bragged about my rafting trip under the largest water fall in the world? How I scoffed at the ahem, trip I'd be totally fine taking in the Poconons. LET ME TELL YOU! I was So wrong. That place is NUTS. I dressed in Lesley Evers, wasn't at all worried it'd get wet. Had on my sunny's and laughed at my gf's suggestion to leave them behind in case they fell off, as if!

OMG the trip started off peaceful and calm (as I secretly laughed to myself that paddling down this pond would be a cake walk.) Then.... the rapids were crazy. They had opened some dam and just as we hit an un-forseen rock I fell out. I'm not kidding--the rapids literally tore me away (far away) from my boat. I was So scared. I'm fine. I lived (after a demonic, exorcist temper tantrum) husband retrieved me and got me back on our raft. BTW, the sunglasses stayed on my head!!!

More civil times in my monogrammed Bergdor Goodman chair (naturally I got the pen too)

Collars up



  1. OMG, I can't even imagine going through that! You are too funny with the Humble Pie!


  2. Yikes! Rafting can be crazy--glad you are okay!

  3. Wow! Wild rapids! So glad you are OK! :) xoxo

  4. Oh my goodness, that sounds absolutely crazy! Very glad you made it through alright! Stories like yours are what keep me from ever going on rafting trips, well those and my lack of bravery!

  5. That must have been terrifying! Glad to read you are ok, though... and that the glasses are safe too. :)

  6. Great photo, sorry to hear about your trip but at least your sunnies were fine.


  7. "more civil times..." you crack me up xoox


  8. Oh, my goodness! Glad you're okay!

    Loved how you recounted the story!

  9. Thank goodness you didn't lose your sunglasses! That's a miracle in rapids!

  10. How scary! I love kayaking and things like that, but rafting scares me- I think I'd have a breakdown if I fell out! Glad you (and your sunnys :)) are safe!

  11. OMG! Thank goodness you are okay! That's sounds really traumatic.

  12. Yikes. So fortunate you weren't injured in the capsized incident! Too scary for moi. Did you lose your sunny's and I know ruined your clothes. They'll clean up okay though!

  13. Whoa, sounds really scary! Hopefully the rest of your trip went well. :)


Talk preppy to me! xoxo