Monday, June 1, 2009

Top 5 Favorites of summer!

We went to LBI for the weekend. Even though we live near the beach going to a completely different beach town feels like a vacation. My girlfriend has a house up there and it was so fun to just sit around. When I'm home I feel like I should be "doing something" all the time. Then feel guilty if I'm not. It was so relaxing. Although I do feel tired today. Probably good I'm having a coffee meeting a little later.

Domestic Diva tagged me for top 5 fun things you love about summer! Then I get to tag people to share their 5 fun things.

1. I love going to the beach with a couple of other families. We bring food, drinks, bud light lime beer. The children swim, surf, boogie board. We sit and watch them so they don't drown. The husbands talk about sports. The ladies sit in our chairs and gab. It is so relaxing. When we get home our son's go in the pool. I clean up, make dinner and enjoy the screams "cannonball" coming from the pool. After everyone is set for bed I take a shower and climb into bed myself. I always feel happy!

2. Going out on our boat. We have a motor boat because we love to water ski! Just watching everyone take their turns and the smiles on their faces leaves a perma grin on my face. Much like the beach we always have some ice cold beer with limes.

3. Friday night sailing races. Our club has sailing races most Friday nights. My oldest son and husband go out with friends of ours. The wives sit on the deck, order food and literally don't watch the race. It is just the act of going and being on the water.

4. Going to Maine. My best girl friend from college has a house in Maine. It is beyond beautiful up there. We love that our children are growing up together. We don't live close to each other year round so this is our time together--no husbands. We shop, go out to eat, or sit around. My girl friend is an amazing cook. I dread going cause I always gain weight. That is the only down side.

5. Picking out Lilly Pulitzer outfits, jewelry and shoes. I love deciding what to wear to each event!

I love summer!

I tag

The Company She Keeps
Nautical by Nature
The Pink Tutu
Etiquette with Miss Janice

Hope everyone is having a great Monday!




  1. Where in Maine do you stay?! Bar Harbor? I'm glad you have positive experiences! :) It is a beautiful state!! Cold, but beautiful!

  2. Even though I live in Florida and have a million beaches to choose from we have our favorites and it does feel like a vacay when we go to a different one!

    And nothing beats a day on the boat -- we went out yesterday and it is so peaceful!

    Have a great week!

  3. You really do like that Lime beer, don't you? You've mentioned it several times!

    I'm laughing at your beach comment... watching the kids so they don't drown and the gabbing... Sometimes, admittedly, I get so caught up in the gabbing aspect that I have to stop, catch my breath and locate my kids!

    I actually love the beach here and I feel like I am on vacation in my own back yard. That's just the BEST of course packing up and unpacking the car to get there is not the best!

  4. I love it... we used to have sail boat races when I lived in Florida..

  5. Thanks so much for the tag!! I'm excited to list my favorites too. I love everything you listed. Your beach weekend sounds so relaxing and fun!

  6. I've always wanted to visit Maine! Its my favorite state, but I've never even been there!

    Love your list!

  7. loved this post- there is nothing like a fab water-front locale to spend your summer vacay :) plus- your kiddos will feel so lucky that they got to grow up with your bestie's kids- like cousins but better :)


  8. Loved the post! I love Maine too haven't been there in a couple years but such a pretty state!

  9. I adore Maine--- and this is a fun list!

    (Pssssssssst- thanks for visiting my blog!)

  10. Love everything on the list! Having a boat to go on has to be one of the best things for essential summer fun.

  11. Love the list as I do the same living near the beach in our town on the New Engalnd coast. We, too , like going to differnt beaches. Fun!

  12. Oh la la!!! What fun!? Many thanks! Xoxo-BLC

  13. Those all sound like wonderful summer pastimes! Would love to travel up to Maine someday - never been. We're on our way to the Outer Banks tomorrow. Looking forward to some beach time. Cheers!

  14. I love going out on the boat too!That has to be one of my fav things about summer.

  15. Love your favorite things!! Fabulous List!!
    Have a fantastic week!!
    xxx me

  16. You seem to have a wonderful time no matter what you do. Inspiring.

  17. I forgot to tell you, you're post reminded me of my summer family vactions as a child in Beach Haven, LBI. Then my family moved to New England and Cape Cod became The spot! I miss the Jersey shore.

  18. My 4 year old keeps asking if we can go to the beach...we live in Denver...

  19. Love, Love your blog, pink and green is my thing! And...Love LBI! I grew up at the beach and still went to LBI during the summers :)

  20. Tag you're it! Tag you're it! I've tagged you twice. Please come by my blog and see what it's all about. :)

  21. Your summer ideas made me smile! Smiling on a Monday is not taken lightly. Thank you for that! Cute post.


Talk preppy to me! xoxo